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National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of Western North America, Fifth Edition
List Price: $24.00
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Not Currently Available
Fully Revised and Updated
Jon L. Dunn & Jonathan Alderfer, Editors
$ 24.00, paper with flaps
504 pages, 5 1/2 x 8
Full-color illustrations, range maps
National Geographic Society
November 2006
ISBN 0-7922-5314-0
Among the new edition's key elements and practical improvements:
• Every North American species—more than 960, including a new section on accidental birds—classified according to the latest official American Ornithologists' Union checklist
• 4,000 full-color illustrations by the foremost bird artists at work today, and newly updated range maps that draw on the latest data
• New durable cover for added protection against adverse weather, plus informative quick-reference flaps that double as placemarkers
• New reader-friendly features like thumbtabs that make locating key sections faster and easier, and a quick-find index to direct users straight to the information they need.
About the authors:
Jon L. Dunn, a leading expert on the identification and distribution of North American birds, has served as chief consultant on all four previous editions of this book. He is also a consultant for the American Birding Association magazine, Birding, and the former chair of the ABA Checklist Committee, as well as a member of the California Bird Records Committee and the AOU Committee on Taxonomy and Nomenclature. He lives in Bishop, California.
Jonathan Alderfer, chief consultant for National Geographic's Birding Program, is a widely published author and field guide illustrator. One of the nation's foremost birding artists, he is well known for his expertise as a field ornithologist and an authority on North American birds. He was a general consultant, art consultant, and contributing artist for the National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, third and fourth editions, and the lead editor of National Geographic’s Complete Birds of North America. A former Associate Editor of Birding, the ABA magazine, he also served on the Maryland/D.C. Bird Records Committee. He lives in Washington, D.C.
Images and content provided by Common Ground Distributors.
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