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Bird Feeders
Seed Feeders
Squirrel Buster Plus with Removable Cardinal Ring
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C Complimentary 5 lb. bag of Chips Plus (sunflower chips / hulled millet) with the purchase of a Squirrel Buster Plus feeder!
Squirrel Proof
Holds 3 quarts of seed
Weight adjustable to help control unwanted birds
Cardinal friendly
Dishwasher safe
Chew proof
Lifetime hassle-free warranty
Openings in the shroud (bottom section of the feeder) align with seed ports and provide birds access to the seed. When a squirrel climbs onto the feeder, its weight automatically forces the shroud down and closes the seed ports. Squirrels and large birds are foiled but not harmed in any way.
Dishwasher safe! High water temperatures and powerful dish detergents clean and sanitize every bit of your feeder. Clean feeders are as important to wild birds as clean dishes are to humans. Wild bird safety is deadly serious business.
Ventilated! Transparent bird feeder seed tubes are like greenhouses; they trap solar energy. The air in Squirrel Buster Plus rises and escapes through unique, waterproof vents at the top of the feeder. This escaping, heated air is replaced by fresh air entering the bottom of the tube through the seed ports. The bird seed remains fresher and attracts more birds. Damp and decaying seed decreases bird traffic and can spread disease.
Removable Cardinal Ring and adjustable Posi-Grip perches. This optional Posi-grip ring system has been specifically designed to attract cardinals. These perennial favorites have two very district features: small necks and big feed. They prefer gripping a thick, textured perch and facing their food source directly/ The Squirrel Buster Plus Cardinal Ring perch system allows them to eat facing the seed while providing a secure and comfortable perch. These cardinal-friendly feeding features, combined with a bush level location, make Squirrel Buster Plus very inviting to cardinals. The ring can also be removed. The remaining perches are adjustable in length and lock into place. Thick perches and textured surfaces provide a secure and comfortable grip for birds. Perches can be shortened to attract only small birds such as chickadees and finches while deterring larger birds such as grackles and starlings. Perches can also be extended just enough to attract medium sized birds such as grosbeaks and woodpeckers.
Birds that will use this feeder:
Chickadee, American Gold Finch, Cardinal, Downy Woodpecker, Indigo Bunting, Rose Breasted Grosbeak, Evening Grosbeak, Purple Finch, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Common Redpoll, Pine Siskin, Dark-eyed Junco, Tufted Titmouse, White-breasted Nuthatch, House Finch, Sparrow, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and Blue Jay
Feeding Preferences:
Single Seed
Seed Mixes
Feeder Accessories:
Images provided by Brome Bird Care and content provided by Commerce Corporation.
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